I have finally finished all my Christmas shopping including some special gifts for our puppies.  We got our dogs special safety vests for our family hikes, a new Frisbee toy to play with at Mop and Pops, and a massive chew toy which Gus has loved in the past.  I even got something special for Cooper from the Gizmodo Gift Guide.

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One of my favorite Will and Grace episodes of all time introduces Klaus Von Puppy.  At first Will is reluctant to embrace the dog but is finally won over by his puppy charm.  His famous line from the episode is: "May I bite your schnoots?  May I bite your schnoots from loves?"  After repeating this line many times to our Golden Retriever, Gus, we found that the nickname stuck.

In September we made a new addition to our family.  Welcome, Cooper!  Our 9 month old black lab :)  He is best described as the anti-Gus.  He is goofy, fearless and low maintenance.

This past week Jonathan and I spent a lot of time thinking about our condo.  We have a lot of great plans for improvements we would like to make once we move back in.  Some of them are feasible (paint) and some are dreams (new kitchen, hardwood floors upstairs).  In any case we are excited about the transition back to our first home.  In preparation of our return I dug up these two pictures taken before we started renting it out.  Ah good memories :)

For those of you who may have forgotten, a certain fluffy boy has a birthday coming up and he has submitted the following request :)

The Boy photographed is his "cave" by Daddy.

Yesterday we had an enjoyable romp / photo shoot in the freshly fallen snow.  Gus eats the snow like we never feed him at all :)

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